Archive for June, 2015

 James A, PhD

There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof. Ezekiel 22:25

The White House lit up in rainbow colors after the U.S. Supreme Court uttered it’s abominable ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, in support of gay marriage. What was strange was how quickly the lights were put up, as if the WH had already known what the decision would be; or perhaps they just happened to have a few extra rainbow lights around just in case SCOTUS arrived at such a decision. SCOTUS clearly had no legal jurisdiction to hear this case, or grant the writ of certiorari. Marriage is and has always been a religious institution, and with the precedent that SCOTUS and the federal courts have set against the so-called Establishment Clause, forcing the states to recognize gay marriage is in effect a government endorsement of religion. If the courts agreed they had no right to force a one-man/one woman marriage upon the states and dissolve the federal defense of marriage act (DOMA), then they certainly didn’t have the jurisdiction to hear a case based on same genders demand for marriage equality.

In part 1 of this article, we are simply going to outline the thesis of our contention that this issue is not, nor has it ever been, about equality and rights. We will expand it with greater detail later, but wanted to lay this out first so our readers know what to expect, and can start thinking about these issues now. There’s a much bigger reason why every company from Apple, Twitter and Google, and Walmart to various celebrities, musicians, promoting movies and songs where the LGBT agenda is literally shoved down your throat are pushing this. That bigger picture here is simple:

Christians are a threat to economies that make their living off of immorality 

In the early church days, Rome and other economies relied heavily on the sale of pagan idols and occult paraphernalia, and books. See Acts 16:14, Revelation 3:14-18, Revelation 18:3, 9, 12-16; Matthew 21:12, John 2:15, Acts 19:19, etc… With the Christian message of repentance and turning from such idolatry (1 Thess 1:9), the Christians became a financial threat to not only the economy, but the lewd practices of Roman leaders (Matthew 14:3-5). Getting rid of Christians was therefore “necessary” to maintain loyalty to the pagan gods and thus preserve the way of life in such cultures.

In modern times, Christians are a threat to the livelihood of many industries:

*Christians oppose abortion, which threatens the prosperity of thousands of doctors and their aids, as well as state aid to their clinics.

*Christians oppose lewd movies which is a threat to the television industry. They can’t make money off of their movies and dirty television shows if their followers grow a conscience as a result of listening to some morally bigoted Christian and cease patronage of their establishments and cancel their subscriptions to their entertainment services.

*Christians who oppose gambling are a threat to Casinos, Las Vegas, Fantasy Football, Horse Track Betting, etc.. Gambling is big business, and since much of it is rigged, it’s a guaranteed source of great income, and a Christian is a threat to a wealth gotten by vanity. Proverbs 13:11, 1 Tim 6:10, Ecclesiastes 5:10. The world wants treasure on earth, Jesus tells the Christian to lay up treasure in heaven. Matthew 6:19-20. Not a very good message for selling raffle tickets and bingo cards.

Many of these industries give kickbacks to politicians because there are often laws that interfere with their ability to run their rackets. Pay the politician and get a law passed or overturned or cut through some red-tape that then removes the obstruction or opens the door for greater profiting. Christians with a moral backbone are an infringement on politicians ability to get paid under the table or through scandalous campaign donation schemes, so the very existence of a Christian voice is a threat to politicians: Republican or Democrat. Getting rid of Christians is a necessary step toward the freedom to profit off of immorality.

And on another note: the existence of fundamentalists are a threat to so-called Christian prosperity teachers and other professing Christians who profit off of heresy.

Christians Are A Threat To a New/One World Order

The greatest human conspiracy is that of the attempt to harmonize all the world religions and governments with a unified religion, currency, and a united nations that will eventually come under the rule of a Satan-possessed despot. Revelation 12:9-17, Revelation 13-18, Daniel 7-11, 2 Thessalonians 2.

*Christians are a major threat to the advancement of a One World Order because we preach a Jesus-ONLY relationship to the exclusion of any other religious system.

*Christians are a threat to peace because of their support of Israel, who is seen as the worlds biggest problem. Zechariah 12:3. As long as Israel exists, the world believes that Islam will continue its reign of terror, and the best way to calm the Muslims down is to get rid of Israel, which isn’t quite possible so long as the United States defends her, and the US defends her primarily because of Christians. Thus, the logic follows, get rid of Christians to get rid of US support for Israel, to get rid of Israel.

*Christians are patriotic and the most patriotic Americans are Christians. Getting Christians out of the way (which would occur by force once gun laws cause the removal of their primary means of 2nd Amendment defense) deprives the country of the most loyal patriots which allows liberal governments to establish laws that will go unopposed by a society that doesn’t value absolute moral standards. Patriotism is a threat to a New World Order, and the biggest proponents to Patriotism are Christians.

*Implementing LGBT rules in the workplace also aids the globalists in staffing the government with nothing but liberal employees with no moral compass. Conservative government workers can simply be dismissed for being “hateful”, “bigoted”, and “discriminatory”. This ensures that the government maintains the most crooked-conscious people.

Satan Is Well Aware Of God’s History Against Nations That Adopted Homosexual Practices

In addition to man’s agenda, Satan has one too. The devil is well aware of what God has done to every nation that has ever adopted homosexuality as an official sanctioned practice. In fact, for once I’m going to quote James White positively here,

Remember, folks—many a nation and culture has shaken its fist at God—we examine the ruins of their foolishness in archaeology.”

Though I despise Calvinism and his Anti-KJVO views, this statement is precisely why the devil is enjoying this because he laughs at the LGBT community every time has passes by Sodom on his way to Rome from a White House visit. Then once that nation adopts such practice, Satan goes to work accusing them before God (Zechariah 3:1). Every nation that has permitted and endorsed homosexuality, God has judged. As it has been said before, “If God fails to judge America He’d have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah”. Fortunately, for America, there are at least 10 righteous people who are still shouting from the roof tops against this wickedness, a factor that would have spared Sodom (Genesis 18:32).

The devil’s goal is to steal, kill, and destroy (John 10:10). LGBTs love to misuse the word “hate”; yet there is no greater hate on earth than the wrath of a being who is damned to an eternal lake of fire (Matthew 8:29, Revelation 12:12, 20:10) who is jealous of God’s love for humanity, especially Israel and the church, who will stop at nothing to secure their destruction: “Armed with cruel hate, on earth is not his equal”. Among the greatest acts of hate there is from one human to another is misleading a person into a wrong belief about what God calls sin, and its remedy (1 Cor 15:1-3) and the devil is working overtime to prevent Christians from sharing that truth by either silencing them through propaganda inspired fiats, or provoking God into destroying them altogether.

The Daniel Trap

The LGBT conspiracy is modeled after Daniel chapter 6. Although there are various conspiracies in Scripture (Haman and Mordecai, Esther chapter 7- after Haman saw Mordecai’s refusal to bow to other gods or rulers, Esther 3:5), the story of Daniel and the Lion’s Den is probably the most popular. In short, Daniel’s enemies conspired to have the king (Darius) make a law that prevented anyone from praying to any other god and only to the king of the empire. The king favored Daniel (6:3) and as long as Daniel was in the way, his enemies could not get a green light to destroy the Jews (6:4). They knew Daniel’s prayer schedule, and knew that he would never cease from praying to his God (6:10). (See also Daniel 3:8-12)

The request to King Darius was a conspiracy to trap Daniel into violating a law so that they could in turn have him arrested and eliminated. This is precisely what the LGBT laws are designed to do. They are crafted to trap Christians knowing that a faithful Christian will refuse to compromise, and will thus eventually end up conscientiously violating laws that would require him to compromise his beliefs. The most obvious conspiracies have been the attacks on Christian businesses where a gay person would deliberately seek out the service of a Christian wedding baker and demand that they create a product that reflected their homosexual views. When the business refused to comply, the homosexuals would then sue them in court.

For a detailed list of shenanigans pulled by the LGBT crowd against Christians, see David Cloud’s article, What Rights Will Others Lose When Homosexuals Gain Their Rights?

The very crucifixion of Christ was in part, the result of Jewish leaders who were afraid that allowing Christ to preach would cause all men to believe on Him and them to “lose their place and nation” John 11:48. So to get rid of this threat to their continued prosperity under Rome (they didn’t care about the people so long as THEY were well compensated) they made exceptions to the law, and even misquoted Christ (Mark 14:58, a misquote of John 2:19) in order to effect His demise (little did they know! 1 Cor 2:8, Matthew 28:6). In other words, they used and manipulated the law to get rid of their greatest  threatAnd THAT is the real agenda behind all of these so-called “equality” and “civil rights” campaigns. These governments could care less whether anyone has the “right” to marry who they want; the pockets of the LGBT communities are not deep enough to compensate the government with any modicum of monetary persuasion that would justify such a capitulation from such a minority of the population (less than 3%). The government merely needs them to be useful idiots so they can use the agenda to silence their biggest enemy: Bible believing God-fearing Christians. When that is accomplished, then not even the LGBT community will be safe from the tyranny in store for everyone once the governments succeed with the Daniel Trap.

God have mercy.

biblemarriage - Copy

For further reading, see also Dr. Robert Gagnon’s article, “American Tragedy: Now Gird Up Your Loins” a recognized expert in the field of the homosexual verses traditional marriage debate, with a sobering opinion on the recent SCOTUS decision.

Update: For an excellent corroboration of the crux of this article, see WND’s “LGBT Activists: Marriage Was Never the Endgame”

Dr James Ach and J/A

Recently on the Dr. Drew Show, where the theme revolved around “transgenders” with James White as a guest, Dr. Drew began the show with a clip of Steven Anderson ranting about Bruce Jenner, praying that Jenner would die and go to hell. Of course, it’s not uncommon for liberal media personalities to use the most extreme examples of professing Christians to provoke an emotionally charged irrational response against the conservative Christian crowds that raise the most objections to issues such as homosexuality and transgenderism. Although, Dr Drew didn’t use Anderson any differently than James White uses Anderson to portray King James Only advocates.

Let us first say on behalf of all independent fundamental Baptists (IFB) of all stripes, that NONE of us recognize Steven Anderson as a bona fide fundamental Baptist. He has virtually nothing in common with any IFB denomination, and has been openly hostile of every IFB minister and ministry from Peter Ruckman, Bob Gray Sr., David Cloud, D.A. Waite, Jack Moorman, Phil Stringer, Jack Chick,  to Fellowship Tract League, William Grady, Sam Gipp, Lester Roloff et al , and that’s just about every known “leader” so-to-speak in modern fundamental “circles”. The above names have sharp disagreements with each other, but Anderson hates them ALL. Anderson is an anti-Semitic, hermeneutically challenged anomaly that in our opinion at DRC is on someone’s payroll to make Baptists look like complete idiots (above and beyond some of the dumb things we’ve done amongst ourselves). In fact, not only do we deny that Anderson is IFB but have a standing joke that Anderson is actually a closet Calvinist.

But, to save the day on the Drew show, James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries gives the Christian side of the transgender debate. Frankly, White did a fairly good job at keeping the topic on topic in light of the red herrings and strawmen being thrown at him from the stage (including an unnecessary pejorative jab by Dr. Drew, “That’s what the Duggars told their son” when White stated we need to listen to what God says about His creation), and given the hand he was dealt against the clearly stacked deck held by the house, he actually did manage to accurately describe the Christian perspective of God’s design and purpose for the male and female to a hostile crowd. I think he could have been a little more thorough, but in fairness, he probably got more chances to offer what he DID get to explain than the producers wanted to give him.

White made it quite clear that Steven Anderson’s brand of Christianity is not reflective of genuine orthodoxy. We agree, but this is where we have a contention with Calvinism. We don’t think honest Calvinists can be consistent with their theology when condemning people like Steven Anderson because their theology maintains the exact same sentiment.

Here’s a simple question we asked Calvinists on Twitter: Did Christ die for Bruce Jenner? Not one single Calvinist tried to answer that.

Calvinists have long held that God doesn’t love everybody. In The Sovereignty of God, A. W. Pink,  wrote, “God loves whom He chooses. He does not love everybody.”

In a written book-format debate with Dave Hunt, James White stated,

Surely it is part of modern evangelical tradition to say, ‘God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life,’ but providing a meaningful biblical basis for this assertion is significantly more difficult.” Debating Calvinism, p.265

White also made a near 2 hour video on John 3:16 in 2006 attempting to show that God doesn’t love everybody.

John Calvin wrote,  “It is incontestable that Christ came for the expiation of the sins of the whole world.” Calvin, Concerning the Eternal Predestination of God p.148. R.C. Sproul stated that, “The world for whom Christ died cannot mean the entire human family. It must refer to the universality of the elect”. Sproul, Chosen By God, pp 206-207.

There are not very many exceptions in Calvinism when it comes to the question of God’s love for all. Those who do attempt to make an exception (such as John MacArthur, “Does God Love Whom He Does Not Save?”) merely attempt to move the goal posts a little down the field by deferring to a different kind of love for the sinner than for the elect, but the outcome is still the same, God didn’t love the unelect enough to keep them out of hell so not even MacArthur can claim his views are any different than his compadres. (We’ve addressed the issue of different kinds of love, and Calvinists usage of “rain on the just and unjust” argument here).

Not only do most Calvinists concede that God does not love everyone, but the remaining consensus among them is that if He does not love everyone, and didn’t elect you, then He hates you!

James White writes about Romans 9:13, “No matter how one understands ‘Jacob have I love but Esau have I hated’ , this verse alone should be enough to refute such an errant view of God’s love.Debating Calvinism, p.268 (emphasis added). Notice that White contrasts “hate” verses any opposing view as being an “errant view” that God would love all. James White also denies being a hyper-Calvinist (a denial that is defended by Phil Johnson), so this view can’t be blamed on “hyper Calvinism” (although we vehemently deny that there is any such thing. The eventual results of infra-, supra- or sub lapsarianism and their various modifications are all inconsistent and lead to exhaustive determinism and fatalism).

Paul Washer says that, ” ‘God hates the sin but loves the sinner’ looks good on the back of a t-shirt, but that’s not Biblical”. In fact, Washer even offers an erroneous interpretation of Psalm 5 as a contrast to the universal love taught in John 3:16.  John Piper dittoes this sentiment in “God loves the Sinner But Hates the Sin? July 30, 2013.

Now what Calvinists will normally do at this point after you’ve proven point after point, with quote after quote (and I do have many many more) of just what their trusted leaders have affirmed on these issues, is attempt to justify their position while ignoring the fact that just 5 minutes ago they were denying that any Calvinist ever held to these views.

But this all leads to one final conclusion…

Calvinists have no grounds on which to condemn Steven Anderson’s view of Bruce Jenner.

Calvinists have no grounds on which to condemn Steven Anderson’s view of Bruce Jenner. Calvinists have always freely condemned any person that does not bear the fruit of the Spirit as a person who is either unsaved or was never saved in the first place (which is still unsaved). In fact, White and JD Hall have said such about Ergun Caner and Peter Lumpkins and several other ministers in the SBC, and White has even hinted that anyone who rejects Calvinism is not a Christian (and Hall blatantly said so). Certainly if they can reserve that judgment on professing Christians, is there any doubt what the Calvinist view of Bruce Jenner is? White has confirmed on more than one occasion that homosexuality is a gospel issue (and we agree, though for different reasons which we’ve addressed in Westboro Baptist Calvinists). Thus the only alternative is that Bruce Jenner is clearly not one of the elect, and not predestinated for salvation, but is in fact, non elect.

Since Bruce Jenner isn’t elect, then God hates him. That’s the only consistent position a Calvinist can take on this matter. They can’t claim “Well we don’t know” because they’ve certainly said they DID know about many others who were/are professing Christians (White has even claimed that *I* am unsaved) . Therefore, there is no meaningful difference from the Calvinist theological position that God hates Bruce Jenner and has predestined him for hell, and Steven Anderson’s comments that he hates Bruce Jenner, and hopes he goes to hell. At least Anderson is honest about his views as wrong as they are. The views of Steven Anderson and the views of Calvinism as a whole are exactly the same when it comes to people like Bruce Jenner. In both views God hates the sinner and wants them to burn in hell. If there is a difference, it would merely be that God, according to Calvinism, reprobated Jenner before time, and Anderson is praying for God to hasten His judgment for it in time. Calvinism continues to maintain its credibility by being consistently rhetorically dishonest about what they believe.


See also Leighton Flowers, Did God Determine Homosexuality? For additional thoughts on how consistent Calvinism would actually blame God for Bruce Jenner’s condition. Although Leighton did not specifically mention Jenner, one can use the same logic that Leighton used and simply replace the terms “homosexual” with “transgender”. This comment will make more sense to you after you read his article.


Are You A Calvinist In Your Preaching On Homosexuality? From friend of Dr. Elisha,  Boaz Baptist.