Archive for April, 2017

Dr. James A., Ph.D.

[CORRECTION: All references to “MSNBC” should read MSM {Main Stream Media}]

I have put off writing this for some time because I’ve followed Infowars for almost 20 years and wanted to give them the benefit of a doubt. I have written some critiques about Alex Jones’ New Age Christian Syncretism, but still supported his news research. But something really shook my confidence in Jones when he committed to a 180 degree turn around on the Pizza Gate scandal, as did his guest, Mike Cernovich.

I’m not going to break down all of the details of Pizza Gate. That task has been tackled by NUMEROUS other people (including professional journalists). For the sake of brevity, I’m keeping the facts to argumentative points and will not litter this opinion with too many references because for the purposes of this article, the argument is more important.

Alex initially “apologized” for “exposing” Pizza Gate in March, 2017, which was then circulated by all the liberal media as proof that “alt right” is fake news, as even admitted by the “alt right godfather”. On April 4, 2017, Alex interviewed Mike Cernovich following his revelation about Susan Rice evidence that she played a part in unmasking Trump associates illegally. Alex reaffirmed his denouncement of Pizza Gate, to which Cernovich agreed; which is ironic because Cernovich had only recently been interviewed by 60 Minutes where he affirmed that Pizza Gate was NOT “fake news”. But now both Cernovich and Alex claim that Pizza Gate (hereinafter,”PG”) is the fabrication of the deep state to distract from security clearances being denied to potential Trump staffers.

The following are just a few points that show Alex and Mike are….FULL OF IT, and I will view everything they publish from here on out with a grain of salt.


Alex has repeatedly taken credit for either being behind PG or pushing it into the spotlight along with MSNBC, and figured out in early December 2016 that PG was a Deep State (“DS”) conspiracy to distract from “real pedophilia”.  According to Alex, the information about “code words” wrapped in pizza rhetoric was actually planted by the DS. This is ABSURD for several reasons.

PG began by others crowd-sourcing information discovered in the Podesta Email leaks provided by Wikileaks in OCTOBER of 2016. It began when I noticed something in the Podesta emails that appeared to be code words because it didn’t make any sense that someone wanted to rent a pizza for an hour, and said so on Twitter. One of my followers picked up on it, and started searching for all references related to pizza, and connected the dots on the code words. Then Brian Austin (“0 Hour”) connected the symbolism and code words from FBI files and THAT is what started the crowd sourcing on 4Chan, and Reddit that uncovered the overwhelming evidence on Comet Pizza and other pedophile networks in general, commonly now known as PizzaGate. The hashtag “#PizzaGate” was trending on Twitter, and covered by several others long before Alex caught wind of it. Alex was even being criticized for NOT covering it which makes it clear he wasn’t behind it. Furthermore, no mainstream media was covering the issue until at least 3 weeks of it being viral. Thus, MSNBC couldn’t have been behind it, either.


For the DS to have “planted” these code words, the DS would have had to anticipate Podesta being hacked, and planted these code words in the emails ahead of the hacks in the hopes that they would be found by someone perusing through the Wikileaks files. Not only is that an absurd assumption, but if the DS planted these code words to implicate themselves as a distraction, what would that say about all of the other bombshells found in the Podesta emails? Did the DS plant all of that, too? and we just haven’t figured out the sleight-of-hand yet?

Jones claims PG was a distraction to cover up larger pedophile issues. How it gets much bigger than high-level politicians being involved in, and financing pedophile networks is beyond me, but I digress. Mike Cernovich then provided the details as to why it was a distraction: because DS were using a swinger club in DC to frame would-be Trump staffers by drugging them, staging nude photo shoots with them and an underage girl/boy, which in turn would be used for blackmail. Now as plausible as that story is (although no evidence was provided yet for this), it ultimately comes down to  child exploitation and extortion surrounding security clearances which is quite innocuous in comparison to children being actually raped and murdered as implied in the PG scandal. If anything, Pizza Gate has drawn national attention to the problem of sex trafficking among politicians, and has focused on the powers-that-be that finance it, instead of simply busting the low-level customers and an occasional warehouse.

This begs the question: why would the DS use something as egregious as a pedophile scandal to cover up something far less ominous? Secondly, the PG story broke in October. Trump was not even elected yet. So how could the DS have used Pizza Gate as a distraction from security clearance scandals when it was not yet known whether security clearances for Trump would even need to be manipulated given that he had not even been elected president yet?


Alex also blamed the push of Pizza Gate on INTERNET TROLLS. This was probably the straw that broke the camels back on my support for Infowars-and many others. What an insult because the MAJORITY of the people investigating PG were INFO WARS SUPPORTERS. Some of these supporters actually appeared on Alex’s show (author, Britney Pettibone, Doug Hagmann, Former CIA/FBI Steve Pieczenik, et al), and apparently, his own staff, Joe Biggs, is an internet troll, as well as Mike Flynn, Jr, Joe Rogan, former Huff Post journalist, David Seamands, and let’s not forget that Mike Cernovich himself was pushing PG until his RECENT interview on Infowars. So to blame PG on “a bunch of internet trolls” is a slap in the face to the people who have loyally supported and defended Alex Jones, and even Mike Cernovich (in spite of some of his questionable history over allegedly  defending rape).


The question I’ve always wrestled with is that if Jones exposes the false dichotomy of the Republican/Democrat system, how could he be controlled opposition? It’s pretty simple. The country has already been awakened to the false dichotomy party system and has developed a third alternative. The plan is to ALSO control the alternative. But then why would Alex expose so much corruption? Answer: because the corruption can’t be stopped anyway and it doesn’t matter because the globalists are intent on moving forward with their schemes whether you know about it or not. Satan’s plan is to get America on a collision course with God. Provoking God and the weakening of the American foundations is far more effective at implementing the demise of America than brute force communistic hostile takeover measures.

What stops corruption are people in position with a moral conscience who acknowledge the God of the Bible, and submits to God as the Bible describes Him. Alex Jones does NOT acknowledge the God of the Bible, but a New Age, humanist version of Him (Christian Syncretism), and THIS is the goal of controlled opposition: infiltrate the remaining conservatives and help distort their perception of what it truly means to be a Christian whose final authority is the Bible. The population can be ‘red pilled’ and ‘awoke’ all they want over what the globalists are planning because information is not power if it is based on half-baked truths.  God ultimately destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah for a lack of 10 righteous people. Yes, their immorality provoked him, but after Abraham interceded, God agreed to spare Sodom if Abraham could find ten righteous people. The goal of controlled opposition is to eliminate that righteous element by introducing a Laodicean type of so-called Christianity, instead of a Christianity whose view of objective moral absolutes are based on Sola Scriptura.

The devil already has the Left. They are corrupt, immoral, godless, and wicked to the bone. The right has sold out to much of the same. Now the goal is to turn the middle parties who have some semblance of Godliness left. With Infowars’ endorsement of Gay Rights, defense of pro choicers (defense of Tomi Lahren) and constant vilification of Bible believing ministries and street preachers, Infowars and their ilk have successfully redefined what it means to be conservative to the point that there’s not much of a recognizable difference anymore from the moral ideology of a Democrat from that of a modern-day conservative (or as Paul Joseph Watson of Infowars calls it, “the new punk”).

Alex accuses Bible believers of being DS plants to make him look bad. We think it’s the other way around. The bottom line to discern who the wolf is is to weigh their rhetoric and works against the teaching of Scripture. The less emphasis you put on absolute truth and Sola Scriptura, the more likely YOU are the one being deceived. Alex champions the power of the universe and the human spirit in being able to save humanity. The Bible, however, paints quite another story of the human condition: it’s corrupt, wicked, and requires a Saviour who ALONE provided the remedy. Any deviation from this Absolute Standard should make true Bible believing Christian skeptical, and proceed with caution when tuning in to Infowars.

For more on this dilemma, please see Why America May Not Survive Even If Trump Wins