Archive for December, 2016

Dr. James A., PhD.

New Bridge Church of Lawrenceville, Georgia,  has been openly critical of the IFB churches (independent fundamental Baptists) with many of their followers constantly criticizing adherents of the Twitter #Oldpaths trend. New Bridge has a similar format and creed as that of IFB critic, Christian Farris of Next Level “ministries”. These groups of IFB critics are always quick to point out the sins of Jack Schaap and other IFB who have been charged with sex crimes, as a grounds for discrediting the entire IFB environment.

On December 28, 2016, the youth pastor of New Bridge Church, Nicholas Kelley, was arrested for child molestation.

Although their lead pastor, Jeff Lyle, denies being a Calvinist or Arminian, his defense of Calvinist doctrines is typical of the type of “neutral” pastors these days that disguise their closet-Calvinism in nuance.

So apparently, sexual abuse of children occurs among the IFB critics as well. Who knew!

James A., PhD

There are several factors that don’t add up when we consider that “The Russians” “hacked” the DNC and Hillary’s private server.

First of all, of all the devices and internet depots the Russians could have thought to hack, why choose the emails of low level campaign strategists as opposed to other high level government officials? In other words, how would Russia even know that there was dirt in the DNC emails? As a former “hacktivist”, I never went on a fishing expedition without having some idea of what I was looking for. It seems obvious, and a matter of common sense, that Russia would have at least had to have had some idea of what was in those emails BEFORE hacking them to think that they in some way could have helped Trump. However, there’s no guarantee they would have even helped Trump, and not the other 17 candidates. If Trump was the intended recipient, it certainly doesn’t make sense to give the info to Wikileaks.

Secondly, if Russia was convinced that incriminating emails were among the DNC, then why not expedite the information by giving Wikileaks ONLY the incriminating documents instead of flooding Wikileaks with thousands upon thousands of emails. It was the American people who did most of the digging that found all of the incriminating information. Russia couldn’t have depending on a few Americans to simply find all the needles in the haystacks. Had Russia known for example, that Donna Brazille was feeding moderators debate questions, then why not just highlight THAT email instead of making us dig for all the dirt?

The better and more likely, explanation is that somebody already on the inside knew what was in those emails, or what could be in them, somebody like Seth Rich.

Thirdly, regarding Hillary’s private server. If Russia targeted that as well, how did they even know to look for classified information on a private server? It’s one thing to know in advance that Hillary has private emails with classified government information on GOVERNMENT servers, quite another to KNOW that she is storing them on a private server, at home [perhaps her maid was a Russian agent!]. Only very few people among the DNC, and evidence shows Obama likely knew, even knew Hillary had a private server. So if the revelation that Hillary had a private server was a surprise to other Democrat colleagues, how are we expected to believe that Russians knew about it? The only conceivable option here is that IF Russia knew about the server, it was because Hillary gave them the IP (more on that below), and hence the 33K emails-and more-that were deleted were likely to cover up the ONE email that they didn’t want found: the smoking gun that she communicated the location of her private server to a foreign state actor.

The more plausible story is that Hillary Clinton pulled a Robert Hanssen. Hanssen was a high level CIA operative that eventually got caught selling secrets to Russia. He would sneak docs out of the CIA, then place them under a bridge and inform Russian agents of the pick up spot. In this case, Hillary’s private server acted as the “pick up” spot. In my opinion, Hillary let the Chinese, Saudi’s, et al, know she had a private server and for a hefty donation to the Clinton Foundation (including agreements to pay Bill Clinton $500K a speech…IN RUSSIA), you could have access to the classified information on a private server located at IP………use port___________. Then “Oops, I got hacked”.

Democrats have also conveniently forgotten that Wikileaks was not the only source that proved corruption in the DNC. Project Veritas caught several DNC officials on video admitting to causing violence at Trump rallies and using buses to take extra voters around to polling stations to vote multiple times. Project Veritas was independent of the Wikileaks revelations, although their documentation confirmed the veracity of the Wikileaks documents.

Although Dr. Steve Pieczenik has already confirmed that it was insiders-including himself*- in the US that leaked the info to Wikileaks as a counter-coup against establishment collaborators, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that the leaks-not hacks-were an inside job that had nothing to do with Russia.


Please also see our article on the CIA’s LGBT Agenda for additional arguments that debunk the “Russians Also Hacked The RNC” nonsense.

*Kim Dot Com has given explicit details confirming Seth Rich was a source (he also confirmed this to Sean Hannity), who was murdered for his involvement in exposing the DNC’s corruption. Kim vowed to testify before Congress provided he be granted immunity from prosecution on an unrelated matter prior to the election.

Dr. James A., PhD

In a shark-jumping tactic to assist crooked Hillary overtake Donald Trump’s presidency, the CIA (at least as far as the mainstream media tells us) has “confirmed” that Russia interfered in the 2016 election to assist Donald Trump. Infowars (1st hour, Dec 14, 2016, with Larry Nichols) reports that the CIA is actively attempting to convince the electoral college to change their vote (or at least abstain until “further investigation” can be conducted. Why “further” investigation is necessary if there was conclusive evidence is beyond me, but I digress). Ah! Remember when Democrats complained that FBI Director Comey was in violation of the “Hatch Act” for “attempting to influence the election”! Apparently, the CIA is exempt.

Donald Trump has dismissed this “Russia did it” propaganda for the conspiratorial fake news that it is. Others, such as intelligence specialist Steve Pieczenik-who claimed that the FBI was responsible for leaking the information to Wikileaks-has also harpooned the Russian shark. But the defense liberal Democrats foist upon the safety-pin generation is that the CIA has no standing in politics, and is therefore an unbiased third-party providing only intelligence that affects the national security of the country.

I beg to differ.

From the CIA’s official, verified Twitter account, behold the CIA’s agenda to promote LGBTism. I have warned about the LGBT Trojan Horse in other articles (The Daniel Trap), how it is a globalist agenda to destroy Christianity and provoke God’s wrath. I think this proves it. What on earth is an INTELLIGENCE AGENCY doing promoting political and social issues like LGBTism? The CIA claims they PUSHED the agenda for “fairness and equality in the workplace” and were instrumental in playing a key role in providing an LGBT inclusive work environment.

Therefore, the CIA is not simply an intelligence agency designed to provide the president with sensitive information for the protection of national interests, but is actively involved in politics by engaging in propaganda that shapes the moral views of the country. If the CIA has this kind of stake in ethics, then the Democrat’s and traitor Republicans can not argue that the CIA is not motivated by politics. And, if the CIA can be shown to be involved in politics, there’s no grounds to oppose objections that they may have a political motivation for claiming that Russia interfered with the election.


Furthermore, the CIA also claimed that Russia hacked the GOP and simply withheld the information. There’s three reasons why this is ludicrous.

  1. If the Republicans had hack-worthy dirty on Trump, they would have used it. Republicans fought Trump hard in the primaries, started Never Trump in the general, and are still trying to unseat him in the electoral college, not to mention they didn’t contribute one dime to Trump’s campaign. Russia hacking the GOP doesn’t eliminate the knowledge of what other Republicans would have already known about Trump before the “hack”. Even if Russia hacked the GOP, that wouldn’t prevent Republicans from using information against Trump they were already privy to prior to any hack.
  2. If the Russians gave the information to Trump to use against other Republicans, then every one of them were silent about their source. If Trump would have used any information about something gleaned from hacked emails, any Republican would’ve immediately seized on the opportunity to accuse Trump of obtaining illegally obtained classified or private information. No Republican ever accused Trump of using hacked dirt on them to win the primary election.
  3. During the general election, intelligence agents met with Hillary to claim that Russia may be involved in interfering with the election. However, no intelligence agents ever met with Trump. Now don’t you think Trump deserved to be briefed by intelligence agencies if the party whose ticket he is on was hacked? Or do intelligence agencies only brief Democrat candidates when the DNC is “hacked”, but leave Republicans in the dark? When only one candidate gets “briefed” that smacks of partisanship, and more likely, a Plan B because the real polls, and the thousands attending Trump rallies, were showing an inevitable Hillary loss.

Vice President-Elect, Mike Pence, is also known for his opposition to the LGBT agenda. Could it be that the CIA is afraid that Pence will be a thorn in the LGBT agenda that the CIA admitted pushed for? Or perhaps Trump’s wall will put a damper on those Fast & Furious operations and ruin those Barry Seal deals with the Mexican Cartels!

One thing is clear, the other…not so much. What is not clear-and frankly, more likely fake news-is that Russia had anything to do with the election. What is clear is that the CIA has a political motivation to make it look that way.


NOTE: Please see also our other article on the things that Russia would have had to know to even consider hacking the DNC

Dr. James A., PhD

A recent so-called “shooter” entered Comet Pizza, where the infamous “Pizza Gate” scandal is centered, only to learn later that the suspect involved was a paid actor named Edgar Maddison Welch.

Today, MSNBC released an article from a person defending Comet Pizza. The defender, Indira Lakshmanan, is described by MSNBC as a “Comet Pizza Regular”, as if she is an ordinary, everyday average customer. It has become a common practice for me to look names up on Wikileaks and IMBD because mainstream media has become notorious for producing fake news, and sure enough, there it was: she’s a paid actor that’s not only a “regular” at Comet Pizza, but a regular of MSNBC.


Dr. James A., PhD

I’m leaving the website up because myself and others have written some helpful articles. But I’m deleting my Twitter and Gab accounts. Too much drama. The Republican party is unrecognizable, and conservative has lost its meaning. I like Trump’s ideas, and his patriotism, and he has the right political ideas to actually make America great, politically. But what made America great wasn’t her sense of freedom, but her grounding in Biblical principles which spawned those concepts of freedom. Republican party adherents want the freedom, but not the Godliness that grounded it in the inherent dignity that humans have because we were made in the image of God, endowed with certain inalienable rights from our Creator.

This week, if I get to it, I’m going to write something that’s bothered me for a while, and it’s the Infowars movement, and so-called “alt right” media. Alex Jones, Breitbart, Drudge Report, et al, are all good for accurate media and honest reporting, but I’m afraid that it’s actually a tool of the devil to draw what’s left of conservatism into their web of moral relativism and religious syncretism. Being right about politics and current events is useless if you interpret the info through the wrong lenses, and it doesn’t encourage Godliness. The devil already has the ‘Left’, and now he needs to corrupt the other side, and I believe he’s using independent media to do it. Therefore, I’m retreating from certain platforms because my conscience can no longer bear engaging with those I’d have been completely separated from before the election.

Moreover, I am especially disturbed at how these independent “alt right” media have vilified sites like NowTheEndBegins.Com as if Bible believers, as Alex Jones put it, were attempting to make them look bad and are “Pharisees” because we believe that Jesus Christ is THE way, not *A* way to eternal life and Godliness, and that the only true source of knowledge about God is grounded in Scripture, not some New Age concept of “human consciousness” that tries to amalgamate some truths of Scripture with various tenants of Hinduism, Wicca, Buddhism, and Humanism. It does absolutely no good to expose globalism for what it is, while on the other hand, pushing the agenda of the antichrist. For just a small example of the New Age nonsense put out by see here, here, and this doozy. If you want to do further research, here’s an entire list of articles to peruse. Sorry Alex, and Infomercials, but pornography is not “art”*, and achieving some higher consciousness and discovering the secrets of the universe while occasionally giving Jesus Christ a tepid shout-out will send you to hell just as fast as worshiping Allah, Mary, and Buddha. Jesus said He is THE way, THE truth, THE life (John 14:6), and there is NONE OTHER name under heaven given to men whereby one can be saved outside of the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 4:12).

I won’t call Infowars and their ilk, “fake news”. Fake news is clearly produced primarily by the mainstream media. But Infowars is attracting people through actual honest reporting of events, but mixing in erroneous spiritual views that will damn this country, as well as the individuals who listen who have no discernment or grounding from Scripture. There’s more to that which I will explain later. I’m not saying avoid Infowars, et al, altogether, but view it with discernment, and know prophecy to be able to interpret events and keep them in their proper context.

I’ve given some other reasons here regarding why America may still lose even with a Trump win- Here


*On July 21, 2016, Alex Jones interviewed Roger Stone about the media releasing nude photos of Melania Trump, wife of president-elect Donald Trump. Jones quipped, “thank God she’s there, frankly I love her more now. European women have some really hot women, and that’s God’s creation, those photos are a work of art”. That’s not something any professing Christian would say, let alone a man faithfully committed to a wife. See Here At 8:32