Archive for November, 2016

Dr. James A., PhD

01f4d8a89c32954bcd3d637b2774e991_dominique_alexanderSince Donald Trump’s presidential victory on November 8, 2016, rioters have taken to the streets to protest a democratically elected president. Although the liberal media claims these are “peaceful” protests, there have been numerous death threats against Donald Trump, calls from celebrities for his assassination, signs demanding that Melania Trump be raped, and recently, an ambulance was delayed due to protesters blocking traffic resulting in the death of the father of a 4 year old girl.

The protests continued this week at First Baptist Church, home of Pastor Robert Jeffress, led by Next Generation Action activist, Dominique Alexander. Alexander has an extensive criminal record and organized the Dallas protest that led to the shooting deaths of 5 police officers. Dallas news also reports that Alexander had been implicated in causing several bodily injury to a 2 year old child.

In video footage obtained by FOX news, Alexander is heard telling supporters that First Baptist Church is the “Mother Mecca” of all racist churches. Did you catch that. The M-O-T-H-E-R  M-E-C-C-A of racist churches. For those uninformed about Islam, Mecca is considered the holiest site among Islamic adherents.

The irony of this is that Trump and his supporters have been repeatedly accused-ad nauseam-of being “Islamophobic”. Yet somehow, this usage of an Islamic “holy” site is acceptable rhetoric in attempting to vilify a Baptist church? Imagine how CNN, New York Times, Huff Post, and all the-to borrow from Michael Savage-Press Klux Klan media would have reacted if Donald Trump had stood in front of any church, and called it the “Mother Mecca” of churches. Obama, Hillary, the DNC, Southern Poverty Law Center, the NAACP, CAIR, et al, would have all called for his resignation (and likely his head-literally).

Jeffress is an outspoken Trump supporter, and the narrative that liberal media has attempted to create (unsuccessfully) is that anyone who voted for Trump is a racist. And why is Trump racist? Because they say so (classic circular reasoning and political correctness vitriol abound among their greatest arguments). Never mind that Hillary Clinton used racial slurs (“N” word) around her chef, or the Clinton Foundation’s defrauding of millions of blacks in Haiti, or Bill Clinton, with Hillary’s acquiescence, snubbing his black son, Danney Williams, or that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Trump Riots are funded by George Soros, a known Nazi collaborator. But Robert Jeffress? Seriously? I have my disagreements with Jeffress on a few doctrinal issues, but Jeffress? a racist? Never mind that his staff is comprised of African-Americans (Jephte Fanor, Pastoral Care Associate) and Hispanics (Kevin Batista, Minister of Missions and Evangelism). This accusation is a gross defamation of a good man, and is irresponsible, reckless, callous, and hateful. But it’s what we’ve come to expect from chronic fabricators among the Left, desperate enough to create the most elaborate Stephen King style narratives necessary for their “cause”.

Furthermore, it is also obvious that Alexander is attempting to associate “hate” and “racism” against ALL churches to minimize the influence of churches throughout the country. A “guilt-by-association” tactic: if you attend a gospel preaching, Bible-believing church with a white pastor, you’re a racist. It’s worth noting that neither Alexander nor any of the Trump rioters are protesting in front of BLACK churches who voted for Trump.

It is beyond ironic that the Left has resorted to such insipid gutter-ball tactics. But the fact that the Alt-Leftists have consistently couched their ad hominem attacks in “Islamophobic” rhetoric, while at the same time freely using Islamic sites as analogies to smear churches is the height of hypocrisy…and quite racist.

Dr. James A., PhD, Paralegal

NOTE: THIS IS THE ROUGH DRAFT (Without conclusion or closing statements) OF MY PETITION TO THE ELECTORAL COLLEGE: PLEASE SUBMIT SUGGESTIONS, COMMENTS AS I WILL BE EDITING AND SUBMITTING THIS BY NOVEMBER 14, 2016. (Spelling & Grammar check has not been done yet for the Grammar Nazi’s on the Left, whose comments will be ignored and labeled spam)


Democrats are petitioning the Electoral College Commission to disregard the Electoral Vote that made Donald Trump President-Elect. Their grounds are based on false charges against the lawfully elected president. Most of these false charges were discovered through Wikileaks revelations where Democrat strategists conspired to accuse Trump of racism, sexism, homophobia, and xenophobia (not to mention that they also conspired against Democrat Nominee, Bernie Sanders).

The United States of America is a REPUBLIC, and as such, the Electoral College has been defended by the Supreme Court of the United States (Ray v. Blair, 343 U.S. 214 [1951])and is based on a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT (US Const Amend XII).  Petitions that have been submitted by Hillary Clinton supporters are based solely on emotional reasons: i.e., they didn’t like the result, yet no distinct challenges have been raised against the constitutionality of the Electoral College process. Even if such challenges were raised, it would be fundamentally unfair to visit such issues AFTER a presidential election has already been decided. This is not the first election decided by Electoral College, a process known to Democrats prior to the election. Democrats can not simply offer a challenge now to the results of the election when they failed to raise the issue prior to the election.

The reasons that Trump should remain President-Elect are as follows:

1. The Electorate provides a fair balance against corruption. For example. During this campaign, President Obama encourage illegal aliens to vote to become citizens. ICE agents arrested numerous illegal aliens who rebutted their arrests by claiming that Obama promised they would become citizens if they voted. This caused an influx of votes likely not caught by thousands of illegal aliens who had no right to vote.

Furthermore, the majority of cities wherein Hillary Clinton has derived her popular vote are within large cities with millions of citizens, such as Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Miami, Boston, Ann Arbor, etc…all of which traditionally vote Democrat (and DID vote Democrat in the current election). By analogy, if one city in California had 50 million Democrats, while the rest of the country had 49 million Republicans, this would have the effect of the entire country’s fate being dictated by a single geographical location. This is one of the reasons why the Electoral College was implemented in the first place. Moreover, it is well known that certain cities (like Chicago) have been gerrymandered to include a larger portion of known Democratic supporters.

2. When Hillary Clinton conceded the election, she in fact did NOT have the popular vote. The additional votes she gained came several hours after she conceded the election, and ALL of them were coming from “Blue” counties that were still at 76% -95% of a complete vote count.

3. Evidence of election fraud attempts were found all over the country, particularly in Philadelphia where voting machines were converting votes for Donald Trump/Mike Pence into votes for Hillary Clinton. Moreover, Hillary Clinton was known to have met in private with the Elections Director of the Broward County Polling Division in Broward County, Florida, just weeks before the election.

4. Project Veritas uncovered even more evidence of election fraud, capturing on video Democrats inciting riots at Trump rallies, staging false accusations, and bragging about “bussing” in repeat voters in multiple districts.

5. During the debates for presidency, Wikileaks uncovered numerous occasions where Democratic members leaked debate questions to debate moderators (i.e., Donna Brazile) giving Hillary Clinton an unfair advantage in debates that helped shape public opinion on who the better candidate was for the presidency.

Based on the foregoing factors, there is no way to determine honestly and accurately whether or not votes for Hillary were legally submitted and acquired.

 Hillary Clinton should have never been permitted to run for president.

6. Hillary Clinton was the first presidential candidate be under FBI investigation for corruption: TWICE. Hillary Clinton deleted several thousand emails AFTER receiving an order from Congress to produce emails containing classified information on a private server.

7. The Clinton Foundation is still under FBI investigation.

8. The Clinton Foundation has been determined through investigations to have defrauded the people of Haiti by promising funds to restore their country through charity (see Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer).

9. Recent evidence has also uncovered potential involvement by Democrats in a large pedophile ring. (See Pizza Gate, )

10. Hillary Clinton has claimed be the champion of women’s rights, but there is documented evidence that she intimidated and threatened sex abuse victims of Bill Clinton (, and ). Furthermore, there are victims that have claimed that Hillary herself had raped them (Cathy O’Brien, Personal Testimony,

11. Hillary Clinton assisted in the overthrow of a democratically elected president in Honduras which led to the assassination of an activist, Berta Caceres, who was outspoken against Hillary Clinton’s involvement in the coup.