Archive for January, 2018

UPDATED: 2/8/18

Dr. James A

Twitter has for the first time placed restrictions on my account. I exposed Twitter’s Shadow Ban in 2017 by acquiring a list of accounts Twitter had on a black list. Project Veritas also recently exposed Twitter for targeting conservatives in an undercover operation that was caught on camera.  I have also shown that Twitter was responsible for compromising Sara Carter and Sean Hannity’s accounts these last few weeks. Thus, I’m not surprised that Twitter has finally censored me. I now have legal standing to sue them! Thank you Twitter, see you in court.

This is what Twitter suspended me over

That AIDS was initially called “Gay Related Immune Deficiency” is a historical fact. Of course, I get called names on an hourly basis on Twitter, but because the accusers/harassers are liberals, Deep State sycophants that worship the ground George Soros and Hillary Clinton walk on, they get away with it. And naturally, you don’t see the context of the conversation, nor the vile things that were being said to me in that thread.

The second tweet is another historical fact. The Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians for 400 years. Even those who don’t follow the Bible know this fact. So now, it’s “hate speech” to give Bible and History facts! This fact is always forgotten about whenever liberal media wants to constantly vilify ALL white people (and the fact that I am an Indigenous American from the Chumesh Tribe makes this even funnier!)

Furthermore, these 2 tweets are nearly A YEAR OLD.

It is interesting though that some people from the James White Cult (, director of Alpha & Omega Ministries) threatened to report me for being “anti gay”, because they don’t like me exposing him for the hypocrite and lying wolf in sheep’s clothing that he is. So, there’s that, too.

Twitter has turned into the very Nazis that they claim they are censoring. If you are conservative politically, and Christian, expect Twitter to throw you in the Gulags. However, now you have to beware of these radical Calvinists who stoop so low as to act like they’re gay in order to silence their theological adversaries.


*UPDATE 2/8/18 I was sent a screenshot of a devout James White sycophant who admitted to reporting me. ffff