Archive for October, 2016

Dr. James A., PhD

A new “victim” has come out against Trump just after the release of a new batch of Wikileaks, and Trump’s “Gettysburg” speech. Jessica Drake, who is an “adult”* film actress for Wicked Pictures has accused Trump of unwanted advances, and that Trump offered to pay her $10,000 for a night out. Other allegations against Trump have been quickly debunked, but it likely won’t stop the Clinton Empire from inventing new straw-women, and this new allegation is no different.

The company that Jessica Drake works for already had a vendetta against Trump. In an online magazine called Red Schtik, Wicked Pictures, et al, had declared in an article titled, Adult Film Executives Endorse Donald Trump for President, an intent to endorse Trump for president: but not because they like or respect him. According to these porn moguls, parody pornography is in large demand, and the porn industries wanted to produce x-rated versions of SNL type parody films of Trump because it would garner more viewers and hence, more profit for their sleazy empire.

Among the many utterly disgusting opinions Drake’s employer spewed about Trump, was this beauty:

“There’s his ridiculously hot daughter he not-so-secretly wants to bang. Who wouldn’t want to see a threesome with Ivanka, her dad, and Melania? I’m getting hard just brainstorming here. Make America hard again! Vote Trump!”

If I were Trump, I would have sued this magazine over this trash alone. But is it any coincidence that the Clinton Campaign, who’s already been caught ON TAPE paying agitators to cause violence at Trump rallies, and paid child actresses to ask her rigged questions at rallies, produces another “victim” one month after this article comes out? And frankly, any lewd corporation that fantasizes about filming a father, mother, and daughter together  having a sexual orgy and then has the audacity to use one of their actresses to play another victim to distract from Wikileaks, Dinesh D’Souza’s “Hillary’s America”, Breitbart’s “Clinton Cash”, and Project Veritas is the ultimate gutter scum of the earth.

Bill Clinton is a rapist and Hillary helped cover for him by threatening and intimidating them. The Clintons also had the mother of the black son of Bill Clinton, Danney Williams, thrown out of a 2 story window in an attempt to silence her from exposing Bill Clinton as Danney Williams’ father. The Hitler influenced media gives that as much air time as a mafia drowning victim. But a pornography guru that just one month ago showed disdain for Trump and his family produces an “actress” to play a new role in the Next Fake Trump Victim saga, and the American Völkischer Beobachter are all over it. Furthermore, if the Clinton Gestapo would stage fake sex adds against Trump, it’s not hard to fathom that creating fake victims would be on the ballot.

Ironically, it seems all of these women have had some demonstrable connection to the Clintons with only one or two degrees of separation. But we do want to thank these women for their bravery and courage, for standing up for the rights of all women everywhere in a timely manner promptly after every new Wikileaks release, and all uniting together within one month of the election. Hillary’s campaign is criminal and hemorrhaging badly. She needs the “women vote” to even begin to have any chance of beating Trump. These latest crass tactics are designed to accomplish just that. What a disgusting election.



*”Adult film” means someone who gets paid to have sex with others on film. We used to call that prostitution, but now liberals call it “art”.

Dr. James A., PhD

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” Proverbs 14:34

Certainly censorship has been on full display by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, You Tube, and in the comment sections of major media online papers. Wikileaks have proven that there has been a massive collusion between liberals and mainstream media to skew facts and invent stories to discredit conservatives. In this article, I’m also going to show the other side of my support for Trump, the other side that has reservations and reluctantly supports his candidacy while abhorring his lewd statements. (I recently wrote why I still reluctantly support Trump, and this article explains the reluctant part.)

Though censorship and shadow-banning is apparent, the elite globalists fear one group far more than Alex Jones and Infowars, Breitbart, Drudge Report, Roger Stone, and The Daily Caller: fundamentalist Christians. Sure, alternative media sources like Jones are far ahead of the curve in reporting accurate news and exposing facts behind the globalist agenda. Nevertheless, if these media outlets continue supporting other elements of the globalist agenda, all of their efforts are meaningless if they fall away from the One person that matters most: God.

The reason that America is in the terrible shape that it’s in has as much to do with apathy and moral relativism as it does with leftist corruption (and the collusion with a corrupt Republican establishment that has become every bit as corrupt as Democrats). Roger Stone and Alex Jones commented on the Melania Trump attacks that her Playboy photos were “art”. Infowars has had articles that vilify street preaching Christians while giving mixed messages about his own Christianity. Virtually all of the alternate media is in favor of “gay rights” and “marriage equality”. In fact, “Milo”, who dubs himself, “the dangerous faggot”, has become a popular face of right-wing conservativism. And as much as I support the Trump campaign, and the political values of making America great again, America must face its defiance to the absolute objective moral standard that God has established that governs nations and individuals or it is wholly irrelevant how well Donald Trump and Mike Pence put our country back on track politically.

This is why the globalist controlled media is far more concerned about silencing fundamentalist Christians. Fundamentalist Christians are the most vocal about the issues that truly matter the most, and they must be silenced. George Soros has been funding “Christian” philosopher, David Gushie, for a decade now to infiltrate mainstream evangelicals with “gay rights” because it is an attack on the traditional and Biblical values of the Christian church. Globalists have infiltrated Liberty University, known for Jerry Falwell’s “Moral Majority” which once led an extraordinary visible charge against the political liberalism of America (though I have many objections doctrinally with Liberty U). Globalists know that if you want to attack American values, you have to start by attacking their belief in objective morals and their grasp of absolute truth that is grounded in the Creator. The more that globalists chip away at the foundations of truth, the further away America gets from God. Eventually, America attempts to maintain its core politics in a humanistic effort that excludes the nexus on which they are based. In other words, America wants the fruit of what made her great without having to submit to an absolute moral authority. It wants to be great without God: and those who claim that they ARE God-fearing people, want to define God outside of the Bible.

I’ve discussed this issue at length in The LGBT Conspiracy and the Daniel Trap as to why the globalists need to attack Christians to get America to emerge into a United Nations, One/New World Order. This is why the globalists are not overly concerned with what Alex Jones or Matt Drudge says, because ultimately, if a nation doesn’t have the blessings of the Almighty Creator on it, does it really matter how right these alternate media sources are about corruption and even the New World Globalists? I have a lot of respect for Alex, Drudge, Breitbart, and listen to them virtually every day. There’s no question that their track record for exposing corruption is dead on. But there’s another side of the issue being ignored by most conservatives now and that’s that there is a way that seems right to man, a way to pursue an ends according to his own eyes, and it’s deadly (Proverbs 14:12, 16:25).

We just may win the election with Trump. But I promise, we will not prosper if America does not repent of its rampant immorality and moral relativism*, and its cowardice in failing to stand up for the authority of the Bible, the creation of the universe, the rights of the unborn and the traditional marriage between one man and one woman. I think many of the terrorist attacks are a wake up call that God is prepared to give America over to her enemies, and give her the absolute autonomous freedom without Him that she wants.

The globalists are well aware of this dynamic because they are governed by an evil strategist that has been plotting man’s destruction from day one. The Never Trump evangelicals certainly have a point about many of Trump’s trysts and immoral behavior. I think they are dead wrong about the political implications, but some of the points they have raised can’t be ignored. God didn’t ignore Sodom and Gomorrah, and if America wants to have a national revival, we had better keep that in mind.

Politics may change the surface issues, but only a change of heart will resolve the sinfulness that is behind every evil thought, motive, word and action. And that change of heart can only come through the gospel of the cross of Christ. If you don’t know where you stand with God, please take the time to make sure. And if you are a Christian, this may be your last chance to have the freedom to tell your neighbors about the love that Christ has for them. Eventually, this world IS coming to a close, and we may just be witnessing the inevitable climax of history. But for now, we still enjoy some of those liberties that allow us to proclaim the cross, albeit with an increasing opposition from institutions governed by globalism. If you are a Christian, then don’t hide your treasure in the dirt. Invest in it by learning to defend your faith, and sharing it with as many as you can.


*For one of the most powerful refutations of moral relativism, please take the time to watch: Relativism: Feet Planted Firmly In Mid-Air . I also recommend the book of the same title.

Dr. James A., PhD, Paralegal

Liberals are doing everything they can to stop Trump. Recently, a lawsuit was conveniently refiled from another jurisdiction outside of New York state by an anonymous person claiming Trump raped “her” at a party hosted by Jeff Epstein, a convicted sex offender. Ironically, the liberal media never mentioned that Bill has been a frequent guest of Epstein. Trump had once been to a single event  hosted by Epstein in Florida (not even the state where the allege rape “occurred”), and immediately left and never attended another one.

However, the media is planning on utilizing this lawsuit in a manner of what philosophy dubs a “straw man” fallacy. The straw man fallacy is where your opponent creates a false caricature of you as if it’s your belief, action, or statement, and then attacks the caricature as if the straw man is really you, and claims victory for successfully attacking it. This is what this lawsuit is. I’m going to explain some legal proceedings that shed a little more light on this as well to further prove my point because most of the time, the public is in abject ignorance about how court systems work (which is one reason why we have so many riots against police).

First, the lawsuit was initially filed in another state and dismissed. It has been refiled in New York which does not have jurisdiction over the case. One has to wonder why a judge would even permit it to be refiled in another state. But of course, New York has already proven that its political figures will attack Trump (NY Attorney General, for example). Furthermore, the statute of limitations for this case has been exceeded by several years. I am surprised the judge even allowed it to be filed, but sometimes, the court doesn’t catch that right away until another party raises the issue. Most people think a judge reads every complaint, and that’s just not true. Most of them are skimmed over and filed by clerks or other judicial assistants. In fact, many attorneys can simply take a document to court and use the clerks electronic stamping machine and have the clerk open a docket file for it. And there you have it, Trump raped someone because a lawyer drafted a complaint and stamped a docket number on it.

Secondly, the case was dismissed for failing to state an actionable claim. Liberals are claiming that it was dismissed on a “technicality” which is highly unlikely. When a pro se lawsuit is filed, judges are bound to “construe liberally” the plaintiffs lawsuit (Haines v Kerner, 404 US 519 (1972)). In other words, because a pro se litigant often lacks the legal expertise, the judge does not hold a pro se plaintiff to the same standards. This means it is more likely that the case was dismissed on more than just “technical” grounds. Perhaps alleging that the event occurred in an abandoned house was part of the problem.

Thirdly, many people are not aware of how a lawsuit actually works. When a lawsuit is filed, after it is reviewed, it goes through the “pleadings stage”. The case does not normally get dismissed sua sponte (on the courts own initiative) when a lawyer files the case as opposed to pro se cases where the judge normally rules under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) that the case has failed to state a claim on which relief can be granted. Most of these cases survive the initial pleading stages when just the minimal requirements of pleadings are met. That’s NOT a big deal. It’s how the system works.

Where most cases get the boot, is when the defendant in a case files to summarily dismiss the case by filing a motion for summary judgment (FRCP 56) or motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim under Rule 12 ( (b) or (c)). But first, we need to explain the difference between matters of fact, and matters of law. A matter of fact is something that a jury decides. A matter of law is what a judge decides. A matter of law would be something like whether or not the state has a provision that makes an action a crime. For example, if I sue you for having blue hair, it would be failure to state a claim because there’s no legal provision that prohibits that (not to mention that it would be patently frivolous). However, if there were one, then there’s the question of whether the person accused actually had blue hair, which would be a matter of fact. If the facts are disputed, then any material facts in dispute must be heard by a jury. This doesn’t mean that the facts are true, it just means that any fact that is relevant to proving a particular element of a legal allegation must be heard by a jury if there is a disagreement among the parties about the facts (some of those factual contentions are minimized even further toward trial preparations as the Rules of Evidence have additional requirements for evidentiary standards of documents and witnesses).

Sometimes factual denials and admissions are done at the pleading stage. The court usually gives the defendant 30 days to file an “Answer” once the lawsuit is served by a service process (either by a process server or sheriff). In that Answer, the defendant will categorically admit or deny the numbered paragraphs in the complaint. Any facts not disputed are normally deemed admitted. Some facts also are materialized through the “discovery” process which uses written interrogatories, production of documents, and depositions.

Once all of these stages are completed, the judge orders pretrial proceedings. Time does not permit me to get into the details about that, but that’s where preparation begins for a trial if it makes it that far, and a tentative trial schedule and deadlines for pre-trial motions are established.

Now here’s the rub. This lawsuit was filed within 30 days of the election. The plaintiff KNEW that Trump’s lawyers have 30 days to respond. It would be virtually impossible to submit an Answer (any Answer worth its legal salt) to the complaint in a shorter amount of time. My guess is the lawsuit probably will not last the year out, or will be dismissed shortly. However, the plot of the plaintiff’s lawyer (and likely the political enemies of Trump behind him) was to simply make the allegation, get it on record, and use it as a political straw man to attack Trump with during the remaining days of the election.

I will revisit this issue in greater detail later this week, and with links to the original complaint and current complaint. In all the years I’ve been involved in criminal and civil litigation, this is another case that smells like manure, and I sincerely hope that Team Trump asks the court for sanctions against the attorney for the plaintiff for filing a malicious lawsuit for political purposes.


Please see my recent article on Why I’m Still Voting For Trump In Spite of the Trump Tapes

Dr. James A, PhD

If I have a job that is 30 miles away, having a car is not optional. My town may have only one mechanic. However, he’s a foul mouth jerk. I have no other choice but to sit through his diatribes and complain about his language, and even his sexist remarks. I explain I’m a Christian, and his language is offensive. Nevertheless, his record for fixing cars is impeccable. Nobody in town disputes that. He replies that I can take my car some where else. But, if I don’t get to work, I will lose my job and be unable to support my family.

I’m going to keep voicing my complaints about his attitude, but since he’s the only choice I have that I know can fix the car, I’m stuck. Allowing him to fix my car is not an endorsement of his behavior, but I have to weigh options against less than favorable alternatives.

This is how I feel about Donald Trump*. The recent release of an audio of him degrading women is despicable. There’s no excuse for it. It is offensive to me as a Christian, as a husband, and as a father. However, at this point, it’s Hillary or Trump, and in spite of Trump’s immoral rhetoric, he’s on the right track politically to getting America back in the right direction. Furthermore, Trump has a Godly running mate in Mike Pence, who I hope can be a good influence on Trump. Christians keep losing ground every four years, and our choices keep getting worse. Perhaps, if Trump wins, and the church does OUR job, the future candidates will give us greater options.

Liberal Logic Fail:

All immoral people should not be president

Clintons & Trump are immoral

Ergo Trump should not be president

What liberals and the Gestapo Media want from these Trump Tapes, is to make this the standard on which the election should be decided. However, the liberals ignore Bill Clinton’s track record of raping women, and Hillary Clinton intimidating them into silence and laughing about the victim of child rape she attacked on behalf of her client in 1975. To further explicate their hypocrisy, these liberals recently made a spectacle out of Trump with a naked statute placed all over the country (it was a trending topic on Twitter called #NakedTrump), which are now being sold on E-Bay as miniature figures. The double standards of the far left are astounding, and yet they expect us to drop support of Trump over an asinine comment he made 11 years ago while virtually silent on these scandals surrounding the Clinton Crime Syndicate.

Moreover, we are on the brink of an INEVITABLE nuclear war with Russia thanks to Hillary & Obama. Hillary even helped Russia get the fuel for the war. Recent email leaks have tied Hillary to using the Clinton Foundation to secure uranium for Russia (for ignorant liberals, uranium is used to make nuclear weapons).

Leaks have also exposed Hillary staff rigging the election that knocked her Democratic opponent, Bernie Sanders, out of the race: which subsequently lead to the deaths of several DNC staff. And the DNC debacle isn’t the only deadly statistic surrounding the “Clinton Body Count”.

The Clinton’s talk of supporting the black community is a joke. Hillary ridiculed the disparate sentencing schemes that she claims unduly subject blacks to harsher sentences under mandatory drug laws. Perhaps it is her failing health that provoked a bout of amnesia since it was her husband that passed the mandatory sentences for those crimes in the mid-late 1990’s. Hillary opined that blacks were “super-predators” that should be “made to heal [like a dog]”. (That preceding link is from a source very antagonistic to Donald Trump. Thus any Black Lives Matter advocates reading this have no grounds for claiming bias.). Hillary considered a Grand Wizard of the KKK , Robert Byrd, (The KKK endorses Hillary) a great man and hero, which was defended by Bill Clinton because “he was just trying to get elected”.

Hillary helped stage a coup in Honduras, overthrowing a democratically elected leader, and leading to the assassination of a political activist that opposed Hillary’s involvement. Of course, the model for Hillary’s actions are based on a Satanic socialist she calls a hero named, Saul Alinsky. In fact, Hillary’s college thesis was written on Alinsky’s “Rules For Radicals”. Is it any wonder that the terrorist group, TALIBAN, has now also endorsed Hillary?

When the Clinton’s left the White House, they reported that they were “dead broke“. Since then, they have acquired literally millions upon millions of dollars through defrauding Blacks and Latinos (see Clinton Cash) and by accepting foreign donations from terrorist countries, while keeping 96% of the profits through their various foundations.


Wikileaks has also release a series of new documents further exposing the Clinton’s scandalous empire to mandate open borders and ignore terrorist threats.

Hillary has made this a political issue in the same manner she did with comments about a Mrs. Universe contestant. Though shortly after politicizing the issue with a “Mr. Trump, Words Matter” campaign, email leaks revealed she attempted to have the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, killed by a drone strike. Keep in mind, her “words matter” slogan was to convince America that Trump shouldn’t be around nuclear codes because of a ridiculous comment he allegedly made about “Miss Piggy”, which is clearly far more dangerous than threatening to drone-strike your nemesis.

I could write more, but I’d like to post this before the election. The list is virtually endless. The Hillary campaign is an extension of the massive globalist agenda propagated by Obama (although it certainly wasn’t started by him) that is deliberately designed to bring all Americans “to heal” to the ruling elite of the world. Hillary & Obama, with the help of George Soros, are bent on destroying what’s left of Godly American values and culture, and enslaving ever color and creed in America under the umbrella of a United Nations dictatorship. And according to brainwashed liberals, we should just let them do it, because even if Trump is the only mechanic competent enough to fix the American “car”, he said some rotten words 11 years ago. I won’t excuse Trump’s comment, and neither should any of his supporters. Neither must we remain silent on issues that we are still in disagreement with him over while continuing to support his campaign. But those who think Hillary should win by default because Trump didn’t have a filter towards women 11 years ago are in dire need of a thorough brain x-ray. We are not minimizing the severity and crudeness of Trump’s comment. But good night, if Bill & Hillary can get away with murder, treason, rape, leaking classified emails, and then hiding the evidence by hiring a specialist after staff were ordered to destroy their phones with hammers why on earth SHOULD we “dump Trump”??





I personally think Billy Bush saved this audio for a “rainy day”.  The video shows that the microphone belonged to him. He asked for it back when they parted on the Days of Our Lives set. It would be too risky to bribe Trump with it. So I believe he sat on it for several years and when the 2016 debates came around, opportunity knocked, and he was paid a hefty sum of money by a media outlet who knew it would be critical in the election. Again, I haven’t looked at all the facts yet, and this is my opinion, but Billy Bush is related to George Bush, who has recently supported Hillary Clinton. It was his mic, and this information has been held for 11 years, and released within one month of the election. Billy has recently been added to the Today Show. His net worth is reportedly around 9$M, but we know that’s chump-change compared to the wealth of the Clintons and Bushes. Thus knowing what the leak would do to his own reputation, the pay off would have to be worth it. But I seriously doubt liberals will expect as much from Billy Bush, as they expect from Donald Trump. None of the liberals on social media are calling on Billy to step down from any of his television engagements. Only Trump is being eviscerated. Enough said.


Please see my article on the LGBT Conspiracy: The Daniel Trap for why I disagree with Trump supporters who claim to be LGBT. Regardless of Trump’s success, if America does not return to our foundations, we can expect nothing but judgment. As Pastor Jeff Fugate has stated, “American will not be great again, until we are Godly again”.