Archive for the ‘LGTB TRANSGENDERISM’ Category

Dr. James A., PhD

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.” Psalm 9:17

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people” Proverbs 14:34

Certainly censorship has been on full display by Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, You Tube, and in the comment sections of major media online papers. Wikileaks have proven that there has been a massive collusion between liberals and mainstream media to skew facts and invent stories to discredit conservatives. In this article, I’m also going to show the other side of my support for Trump, the other side that has reservations and reluctantly supports his candidacy while abhorring his lewd statements. (I recently wrote why I still reluctantly support Trump, and this article explains the reluctant part.)

Though censorship and shadow-banning is apparent, the elite globalists fear one group far more than Alex Jones and Infowars, Breitbart, Drudge Report, Roger Stone, and The Daily Caller: fundamentalist Christians. Sure, alternative media sources like Jones are far ahead of the curve in reporting accurate news and exposing facts behind the globalist agenda. Nevertheless, if these media outlets continue supporting other elements of the globalist agenda, all of their efforts are meaningless if they fall away from the One person that matters most: God.

The reason that America is in the terrible shape that it’s in has as much to do with apathy and moral relativism as it does with leftist corruption (and the collusion with a corrupt Republican establishment that has become every bit as corrupt as Democrats). Roger Stone and Alex Jones commented on the Melania Trump attacks that her Playboy photos were “art”. Infowars has had articles that vilify street preaching Christians while giving mixed messages about his own Christianity. Virtually all of the alternate media is in favor of “gay rights” and “marriage equality”. In fact, “Milo”, who dubs himself, “the dangerous faggot”, has become a popular face of right-wing conservativism. And as much as I support the Trump campaign, and the political values of making America great again, America must face its defiance to the absolute objective moral standard that God has established that governs nations and individuals or it is wholly irrelevant how well Donald Trump and Mike Pence put our country back on track politically.

This is why the globalist controlled media is far more concerned about silencing fundamentalist Christians. Fundamentalist Christians are the most vocal about the issues that truly matter the most, and they must be silenced. George Soros has been funding “Christian” philosopher, David Gushie, for a decade now to infiltrate mainstream evangelicals with “gay rights” because it is an attack on the traditional and Biblical values of the Christian church. Globalists have infiltrated Liberty University, known for Jerry Falwell’s “Moral Majority” which once led an extraordinary visible charge against the political liberalism of America (though I have many objections doctrinally with Liberty U). Globalists know that if you want to attack American values, you have to start by attacking their belief in objective morals and their grasp of absolute truth that is grounded in the Creator. The more that globalists chip away at the foundations of truth, the further away America gets from God. Eventually, America attempts to maintain its core politics in a humanistic effort that excludes the nexus on which they are based. In other words, America wants the fruit of what made her great without having to submit to an absolute moral authority. It wants to be great without God: and those who claim that they ARE God-fearing people, want to define God outside of the Bible.

I’ve discussed this issue at length in The LGBT Conspiracy and the Daniel Trap as to why the globalists need to attack Christians to get America to emerge into a United Nations, One/New World Order. This is why the globalists are not overly concerned with what Alex Jones or Matt Drudge says, because ultimately, if a nation doesn’t have the blessings of the Almighty Creator on it, does it really matter how right these alternate media sources are about corruption and even the New World Globalists? I have a lot of respect for Alex, Drudge, Breitbart, and listen to them virtually every day. There’s no question that their track record for exposing corruption is dead on. But there’s another side of the issue being ignored by most conservatives now and that’s that there is a way that seems right to man, a way to pursue an ends according to his own eyes, and it’s deadly (Proverbs 14:12, 16:25).

We just may win the election with Trump. But I promise, we will not prosper if America does not repent of its rampant immorality and moral relativism*, and its cowardice in failing to stand up for the authority of the Bible, the creation of the universe, the rights of the unborn and the traditional marriage between one man and one woman. I think many of the terrorist attacks are a wake up call that God is prepared to give America over to her enemies, and give her the absolute autonomous freedom without Him that she wants.

The globalists are well aware of this dynamic because they are governed by an evil strategist that has been plotting man’s destruction from day one. The Never Trump evangelicals certainly have a point about many of Trump’s trysts and immoral behavior. I think they are dead wrong about the political implications, but some of the points they have raised can’t be ignored. God didn’t ignore Sodom and Gomorrah, and if America wants to have a national revival, we had better keep that in mind.

Politics may change the surface issues, but only a change of heart will resolve the sinfulness that is behind every evil thought, motive, word and action. And that change of heart can only come through the gospel of the cross of Christ. If you don’t know where you stand with God, please take the time to make sure. And if you are a Christian, this may be your last chance to have the freedom to tell your neighbors about the love that Christ has for them. Eventually, this world IS coming to a close, and we may just be witnessing the inevitable climax of history. But for now, we still enjoy some of those liberties that allow us to proclaim the cross, albeit with an increasing opposition from institutions governed by globalism. If you are a Christian, then don’t hide your treasure in the dirt. Invest in it by learning to defend your faith, and sharing it with as many as you can.


*For one of the most powerful refutations of moral relativism, please take the time to watch: Relativism: Feet Planted Firmly In Mid-Air . I also recommend the book of the same title.

Dr. James A., PhD

Let me write the songs of a nation, I care not who writes their laws” ~ Andrew Fletcher

As a former musician and DJ, though I no longer listen to rock and country music, I still follow their trends. There is no better critic of the dangers of secular music (and even most contemporary Christian music) than a former participant of it. In the last few years, I have noticed a trend in country music. That trend has been the slow integration of musicians adopting, encouraging, and promoting the LGBT lifestyle, something that has traditionally been a verboten practice among country music aficionados.

Before I explain why I believe Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani are dating, let me first explain why the LGBT and Globalists need to infiltrate country music.

It’s not that country music is a bastion of orthodoxy and morality, it certainly is not, but the globalist agenda is about eliminating patriotism and nationalism, and there is no bigger strong hold on that ideology outside of Christian conservatives and country music fans. One of the most popular country anthems is by a country artist named Lee Greenwood, God Bless the USA. During times of war, country stars have written the rally themes like Toby Keith’s American Soldier and Red, White and Blue, Alan Jackson’s Remember When, Daryl Worley, Have You Forgotten. And who can forget the fighting songs written by Merle Haggard who quipped, “If you’re runnin’ down my country, you’re walkin’ on the fightin’ side of me”. Country music is replete with pro-American themes, hence “country” music.

Then there’s the reaction from the country crowd when the Dixie Chicks chose to criticize Republican George Bush which essentially stuck a fork in their career over the next two decades. Country music fans are most known for their patriotism and the 2nd Amendment; and that’s a sentiment that the globalists need to overcome if they are to get such a large conservative voter base on board with their agenda. The majority of the people who oppose liberal laws and therefore vote Republican, Tea Party, Libertarian (anything but Democrat) are southern conservatives who listen to country music.

Although country music is loaded with songs about cheating, beer, Jack Daniels, country fans have still maintained a loose sense of traditional old-fashioned values. Those values have been weakened through the acceptance of gay marriage among some of country music’s most popular voices like Carrie Underwood, Ty Herndon, Little Big Town, Dolly Parton, Kelly Clarkson (pop and country), Kasey Musgraves, et al. Country music has slowly integrated different styles of music to where traditional country fans admit that “country” is no longer “country”. But why has the sound changed so dramatically? Why has it been so popular to mash rap and country artists together? Why has the music industry created a “Crossroads” program to blend the musical genres? That’s fairly simple. The record companies behind them have an agenda, and they are well aware of the power of the arts in any culture to influence trends and lifestyles.

Blake Shelton is arguably the most popular figure in country music today. Gwen Stefani is probably one of the more popular figures in pop music. After Blake dumped Miranda Lambert, and Gwen jettisoned rock singer, Gavin Rossdale, the last couple anyone would have expected to see would be Blake and Gwen. However, Gwen is an outspoken advocate of gay rights. What better way to get country fans on board than by having a relationship with one of the largest voices in country music! Yes, there are a lot of women who’ve been blurring the lines, but men still tend to stand their ground, unless they have another male figure chiding them over their “hate”.

Recently, Blake was criticized for “homophobic” and “racist” tweets he made SEVEN YEARS AGO. These tweets had long since been deleted, but were saved by others. Now think about that….why does the liberal media make an issue out of seven year old forgotten and deleted tweets? making sure they are forwarded to Gwen Stefani? That answer is simple. If Blake is hooked on Gwen, he will make a public statement that will somehow be viewed as a capitulation on gay marriage and LGBTism that he has previously been vague and ambiguous about, and it will send a message to the male country fans that he is somehow OK with the gay agenda, something he has not been vocal about prior to dating Gwen Stefani. It’s how the liberal dishonest media and globalists are pushing their agenda. Blake stands to lose his girlfriend and possibly his career if he doesn’t kowtow to pressure to become tolerant in the way Gwen is.

It is ironic that so much of country music also has many religious oriented themes. Men in country music have lost their backbones and simple add a Bible reference or two to their songs to ensure a few deluded Christians buy their albums. The men in country music that refuse to uphold the LGBT agenda, haven’t been heard from.

If Taylor Swift tweets “boo”, 10 million teenagers would start making t-shirts on them that read “Taylor said, ‘boo'”. That’s how dumbed-down our culture has become in allowing the influences of musicians and other “artists” to dictate social mores. It’s a phenomena that the globalists are well aware of, and they are using every opportunity they can to integrate the last bastions of patriotism with influences that will continue to erode whatever is left of nationalist sentiment. This is why Andrew Fletcher wrote that if he were able to write the songs of the nation, it doesn’t matter who writes the laws because well-crafted music has the ability to tug on hearts in such an emotional way that it bypasses logic and reason resulting in its gullible sycophants to eschew any sense of truth and point of reference for judging what is objectively right.

Please read our article on the LGBT Conspiracy and the Daniel Trap for further information on how the LGBT agenda is being used to attack Christians. And, see David Clouds free ebooks Rock and Roll’s War Against God, and Baptist Music Wars

Dr. James A, PhD

Before Target stores began opening the doors of their bathrooms to all genders, Target had already announced that it is eliminating, inter alia, gender-specific toys and clothing,

Right now, our teams are working across the store to identify areas where we can phase out gender-based signage to help strike a better balance. For example, in the kids’ Bedding area, signs will no longer feature suggestions for boys or girls, just kids. In the Toys aisles, we’ll also remove reference to gender, including the use of pink, blue, yellow or green paper on the back walls of our shelves,” ibid.

But how is this not specifically designed to attack children? Over 1 million people have now signed a petition vowing to avoid business with Target over their new transgender bathroom policy, mostly out of concern for children. Why has Target chosen to eliminate the gender distinctions between young boys and girls, but not adult women and men? Why not eliminate signs that distinguish between men and women’s products and label them “just humans”?

For example, Target maintains sections of their website that cater specifically to womens’ clothing needs. If a customer walks into the department store, there are sections for maternity clothes. I’ve never seen a pregnant male try those on for size,  but why the disparity? There is a bra section that is within the women’s department. Why not put the bra department in the children’s toy section, or the men’s shoe department? If gender distinctions are discriminatory, and don’t matter anyway, why separate the adult departments by gender at all? Why even have a women or men’s department? Let women browse for shoes among the men’s shoes! How about eliminating the make-up section? How many transgenders do you see modeling make up for commercials and ads? Why is that? Because women are the primary consumers for Revlon, Maybelline, etc.. and a women doesn’t want to see how that make up looks on a man before she buys it. Yet, if Target were consistent in their policies, they wouldn’t be so worried about such an effect that may have on their profit margin, they’d go ahead and offend the majority of make-up-buying women the same way they’re offending a majority who don’t want their wives and children sharing bathrooms with perverts. Nevertheless, Target hasn’t completely abandoned profit over policy.

Why is there a women’s shoe department separated from the men’s shoe department? Perhaps men and women’s feet grow differently? Nah, that would be gender discrimination and even “hate speech” to admit that, wouldn’t it? Yet Target is aware that consumers prefer not to hunt all over the place to find something that fits their individual- GENDER- specifications. It’s like going to the music section looking for a CD, and the staff have failed to keep the artists in their proper order. Instead of hunting through every single CD to find the one you’re looking for, you simply give up and go somewhere that’s a little more organized. If Target were to amalgamate all of their products in a gender neutral manner, they would probably lose the rest of their business and they know that.

Regardless of what politically-correct liberals say, and no matter how they attempt to reconstruct, and redefine sexuality, once a month every woman is reminded…that she is a woman, and she’s not going to want to go to the men’s department to find the proper sanitary products. Yet if Target were truly consistent about their reasons for implementing and promulgating such policies, then their treatment of the “men’s” and “women’s” sections of their stores should be no different than the childrens’ toy and clothing departments.

Children are more impressionable and easier to brainwash into politically correct thinking, and that’s why these new age globalists are inventing policies that target children. Do you really think Target had a particular demograph of parents from their client base that were concerned about the “harm” of gender-specific toys? I have yet to hear young boys complaining that there aren’t enough barbies in the boys sports section.

The elimination of gender-specific toys isn’t based on a bona fide need to eliminate real distinctions of genders, it is based purely on attempting to condition children to grow up believing they are something that they are not. That is precisely why Target began such policies toward children and not adults because most adults that make up the majority of their customer based are already settled in what gender they are. An adult woman does not go to the men’s underwear department to look for tampons or bras. Yet if Target were consistent, we should expect to see neutral groupings like that all of the time.

Furthermore, Target, along with many other stores, still abide by anti-discrimination laws between men and women, and sexual harassment laws. Most sexual harassment cases are perpetrated by men against women, and the complaints from women are normally that they were targeted because they are women. Will Target modify its sexual harassment policies because such an accusation implies a gender distinction? Ironically, on April 25, 2016, Target published an article on its support of advancing women in leadership. Wouldn’t endorsing such programs, among Target’s support for other human rights endeavors, be a capitulation to the gender distinctions they are seeking to eliminate?

The absurdity level is limitless when man attempts to eradicate the God-ordained distinctions of genders. Male and female created He them. Genesis 1:27, 5:2. There’s really a bigger picture here though, and it’s a blatant attack on Christians. Please see our article on the LGBT Conspiracy and the Daniel Trap.

Please also check out our Transgender Bathroom Solution!