Archive for May, 2016

Dr. James A., PhD

Because of spammers and trolls, I often have to browse through my recent followers list on Twitter and block accounts every day. On May 27, 11:00 am, CST, I saw an account listed as “young1” and it had a provocative profile pic of a girl that could not have been more than 6-9 years old. When I went to visit the page to block it, I was in HORROR at the pics immediately visible. It was GRAPHIC sex acts being performed on LITTLE CHILDREN. I will spare the readers any further description.

I reported the account to the FBI Twitter page as well as the Twitter Support page.  Twitter replied,

Thank you for your report. We do not tolerate child sexual exploitation on Twitter and partner with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) to ensure that appropriate law enforcement agencies are notified when such content is located. We will review the content you have reported as soon as possible.” Case # 33196225

As of 5:32 pm, CST, the account has NOT been removed. In fact, some of the Tweets on the account were from May of 2015. So not only has the account not been removed within several hours of myself and many others reporting the account, it has obviously been there for OVER A YEAR.

How does Twitter “not tolerate child exploitation” when the most vile accounts like this are left to lure children and the most disgusting online predators? Twitter has time to filter content and shadow ban conservatives and Christians, but leaves an account up with graphic content of children as young as 5-6 years old?

 But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.” Matthew 18:6

James A., Ph.D

I’m beginning to think anyone that listens to James White is as brainwashed and lacking in proper cerebral oxygen flow as the liberal anti-morality mafias. White is simply a flat-out nutcase. And I really don’t care how many of his followers criticize the manner in which I address his character because he treats those who disagree with him in the EXACT same manner, if not worse. White normally takes what he considers the “radicals” of KJVO advocates, and uses them to broad-brush the entire group. He tries to use the “gotcha” moments to paint the worst caricature of any KJVO believer. White is one of the most dishonest and disingenuous critics I have ever encountered.

On 5/19/16, White discussed a video by Brian Denlinger that claimed James White was a Jesuit. Now I agree with Brian that James White is a Jesuit, but not for the reasons that Brian gives such as his book The King James Only Controversy being endorsed by Norman Geisler, who graduated from Loyola University-a known Jesuit college- in the late 1960s. However, where White sticks his foot in his mouth is that in the video, White admits that he always wondered about Geisler’s Jesuit connections, and that it bothered him. He also attributes Geisler’s rejection of Reformed Theology to Geisler’s training at Loyola (William Craig and Geisler both graduated from Wheaton, so does White attribute Craig’s rejection of Reformed Theology on Wheaton? White just did the exact same thing he accused Brian of. So should we attribute White’s rejection of the KJV on his degree from Fuller Seminary!). Did anyone catch that? Of course not. White’s followers rarely think through anything he says. If you KNEW Geisler was so influenced by a Jesuit university that it affected his view of your precious Reformed Theology, why would you have him endorse your book anyway? 

Anyway, on to the issue.

At the 1:10:00 mark, White made his normal spew against King James Only believers, with the exception that this time, he qualified that not all King James Only believers are “cultic”, which is quite ironic because that’s not what he said just a little over a month ago when he addressed yours truly on his radio show over the racist issues and once on what started as a joke I made about his bike riding stats that White took to a new level of crazy.

I challenged White to debate that KJVO advocates are cultists, and posted for all to see, and that my debate partner would be a KJVO Calvinist. Of course, White would never accept such a challenge because I win the moment I walk in the door with a person who holds to the same 1689 LBC confession that he does. So White has to modify his rhetoric to fit the topic of the day. So how does White “prove” that there are “KJVO Cultists”?….here it is….ready!!!

Because Peter Ruckman and Sam Gipp make the KJV CENTRAL to their theology, and believe if you don’t believe and use the KJV you’re going to hell!!!

Here’s an excerpt from Sam Gipp’s Answer Book , Question #35, that proves James White is a bald-faced liar.

QUESTION: Can someone get saved if you are using a bible other than the King James? ANSWER: Yes.

EXPLANATION: Generally, the facts surrounding the gospel of Jesus Christ and the simplicity of salvation are found intact even in the grossest perversions of Scripture. It must be remembered though that the Bible is a weapon in the hand of the Christian. See Hebrews 4:12, Job 40:19 and II Timothy 3:16. It is also food that a new Christian might grow properly. See I Peter 2:2. It is in these areas that new bibles are weakened. In fact, the very verses given above are altered in many new versions, thus weakening Scripture. It is therefore possible to get saved through other versions, but you will never be a threat to the devil by growing.

Anyone who has ever read a few of Ruckman’s books knows he has NEVER said that a person who does not use the KJV is “going to hell”. Ruckman has given testimony on several occasions of entering Catholic homes and using their own Bible’s to lead them to Christ. The only thing White is ever consistent about is consistently foisting straw man arguments on to KJVO advocates.

Furthermore, White also made the comment that Ruckman, Gipp, etc…never “debate” Roman Catholics. Here’s Peter Ruckman debating Catholic apologist, Karl Keating . White seems to make “debating” the criteria for spreading the gospel, even though Paul makes it clear that it’s PREACHING (1 Cor 1). So I guess we could say that since James White never preached in the streets like Ruckman did (even at 93 years old), he’s a phony.

To add more fuel to the fire, White said that KJVO Baptists don’t have philosophy degrees. I have an earned PhD (not honorary) from Calvary Christian College & Seminary. Furthermore, I know quite a few KJVO Baptists with earned PhD’s (Waite, Sorenson, Brown, et al), and linguistic scholars who have demolished White-among other modern version proponents-regarding textual criticism (Pickering, Letis, Robinson). However, this is an interesting critique since White criticizes William Lane Craig, Jerry Walls, David Allen, and Leighton Flowers for their emphasis on philosophical attacks on Calvinism.

Thus we have White lying about Ruckman’s and Gipp’s position on the KJV, lying about Baptists with PhDs, lying about KJVOs debating Catholics, ad nauseum… how does anyone take this guy seriously? Of course, I don’t really expect White to repent & retract his lies. He will ignore it, repeat it again some time in the future, and his followers that harass us will find a way to excuse it. What a shameful crowd.

So while White is bragging about debates (Romans 1:29) he does once or twice a year, in luxury hotels with accommodations and air conditioning, he’s slandering those who debate with unbelievers in the  streets of Miami, Pensacola, Chicago, Detroit, New York City, etc…. every day.



Dr James A, PhD (Originally Posted Through Dr James Ach’s Twishort)

I’m used to seeing people like James White attempt to rewrite history, especially when it comes to the Roman Catholic Church and Augustine, Anabaptists, and Waldensians, but this statement by Colin Maxwell takes the cake.

Maxwell writes that Bob Gray Sr in including the accomplishments of American’s that happened to be Calvinists is demonstrating an inconsistent position in claiming that Calvinism is a lie. In other words, if you claim that their THEOLOGY is wrong, then you must accept that every good deed that they do in the name of their theology is a concession to the correctness of the theology. With that logic, if an atheist saves a person from drowning, we must then accept his philosophy that there is no God. His goodness deprives us of the right to critique his beliefs.

Ben Franklin maintained Deist views. Do we then espouse to Franklin’s Deism because of what he did for American freedom? Colin Maxwell is making some of the most ridiculous leaps in common sense and logic I’ve ever seen (Now keep in mind, at this point we are still talking about HISTORY: I have to say that now before some pious idiot points to what I said and claims “Look, see! Dr Ach is talking about philosophy and logic without mentioning the Bible”. If you can show me Ben Franklin in Scripture then I’ll edit this).

But what is the most ATROCIOUS part of Maxwell’s missive is his claim that DL Moody and Billy Sunday were Calvinists.

First of all, Maxwell completely contradicts his own theory by claiming that “all four were Calvinists”, only to later state that Spurgeon, not Moody, commented on Moody’s “SCENTED Calvinism”. Again, we don’t deny there are things in common between Calvinism and contra beliefs. But there are also similarities with Muslims and Christians, ie., both are monotheistic (belief there is only one God, it’s the nature of God that is in dispute, not that there’s only one); but that doesn’t mean that everyone that believes there is only one God is a Muslim. That’s EXACTLY what Maxwell is trying to claim here. And even then, his evidence is based on what someone else assumed about Moody instead of pointing to anything that Moody himself actually said about Calvinism.

To even put Moody and Spurgeon in the same category is laughable considering the amount of heated debates they had over the issues of grace. At one point Moody even accused Spurgeon of encouraging converts to “sin their way into the Kingdom”.

One of Moody’s most popular quotes AGAINST Calvinism is “The elect are the whosoever wills, the non elect are the whosoever wonts”. In arguing with Calvinists, Moody said, ” “I want to talk about the word believe, the word receive, and the word take. Now who will come and take Christ as Saviour?

With Calvinists desperate to establish historical relevancy to the infant church and historical supremacy in the modern church will grasp any terminology that hints at the appearance of their dogma and claim it as their own regardless of context. If someone in AD 200 wrote that they thought a cat was predestined to eat mice, a Calvinist would take that phrase as proof the person was a Calvinist. The very reasons that folks like Bob Gray DO quote the works of many who did admit they were Calvinists is because we recognize THEY WERE INCONSISTENT yet maintained truths that were NOT CALVINIST. One may quote something Spurgeon says about the failure of works in getting one to heaven without relying on what Spurgeon thought about election. I can agree with the former and disagree with the latter without affirming Spurgeon’s Calvinism. But, according to Maxwell’s logic (and many other Calvinists) if Spurgeon and I both believed in tying our shoes before we walked in them, that means we’re both Calvinists. However, as we seen with Islam, that logic can not be applied consistently and it is the failure of Calvinists to acknowledge this difference that contributes to many of the good things that Calvinists DID espouse to going unnoticed because of the perceived need to put distance between Calvinists and their opponents.

Relying on Spurgeon to define Moody’s beliefs is erroneous. They were contemporaries and Moody spoke for himself, and clearly opposed Calvinism as a whole, and specifically Spurgeon’s views on it. Yet must we concede to the Calvinists who insist that all who oppose Calvinism are Arminians? I vehemently reject the conditional security of Arminianism, I reject their Pelagian view of original sin and I reject their modern attempt to adopt a theology that robs God of His foreknowledge (Open Theism), yet because I also reject Calvinism, I am nevertheless still branded as an Arminian as if those are the only two options. That is how Calvinists attempt to confuse the issues and rewrite history; by using dishonest means and false weights and measures.

If Billy Sunday, the METHODIST, DL Moody and even Charles Spurgeon preached the way they did back then in today’s society they would be branded as heretics by ALL Calvinists, including Maxwell whether he admits it or not (he certainly spends enough time writing against the things that Spurgeon affirmed, and supporting the things that Spurgeon renounced, like Limited Atonement).

WIthout clear proof that Moody and Sunday were Calvinists, and in the face of clear statements and beliefs they held to the contrary, it is extremely dishonest and disingenuous to parade these men as Calvinists. But this is what we’ve gotten used to from liars like Maxwell, and unfortunately a large host of other Reformers.

Dr. James A, PhD

James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries (example) and his ilk have made repeated claims that Donald Trump is evidence of the judgment of God on America for our wickedness. There’s no question our country has shown the fullness of Amorite iniquity, but this has got to be one of the most illogical statements he’s ever said for the following reasons:

1) When God gave Israel wicked leaders, it was normally in the Northern tribes where the entire population had given themselves over to wickedness and rebelled against the laws they were bound to. There is no precedent for God JUDGING the wicked with the righteous. Genesis 18:25, Psalm 18:26.

2) Did God judge America and give us Bill Clinton, and then bless us by giving us George Bush, Jr, and then judge us again by giving us Obama? What did America do better to “deserve” getting blessed between Bush Sr, only to be judged with Clinton, then blessed again with Jr, and then judged again with Obama? If Donald Trump is the judgment of God on America, how on earth do you explain Obama? If the church and country as a whole has been in a consistent downgrade, can someone please explain those intervals of conservative Republicans in between the Democrats, and what possible reason God may have had for the back and forth?

3) Hello? TRUMP ISN’T EVEN PRESIDENT!! How on earth is God using Trump to judge America when the man hasn’t even won the election? Does White know something the rest of us don’t know? Ironically, there’s more talk of judgment on America viz Trump then there is if Hillary gets elected. Someone has truly forgotten to lock the stable doors.

Probably the biggest reason for this blunder is that White and his ilk who’ve repeated this mantra do not have a Biblical eschatology, they are Amillennialists. Therefore they reject the Biblical view of the rapture, and that God will not be judging the church with the rest of the world, including any “judgment” on the United States, particularly when there are still more than 10 righteous people (Genesis 18) fighting to preserve our heritage under natural law (what some deem Jeffersonianism), and winning souls to Christ. This is just another example of the kind of warped mentality you get from the Calvinist amillennial crowd.


I have some very serious issues with Trump. The transgender bathroom comments he made recently are very disturbing, but at this point, it’s Trump or Hillary. Here’s an interesting take on it from Geoffrey Grider ~Why a Bible Believer Is Supporting Trump and The Real Reason Why Donald Trump Was Chosen